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Lakin and Poole group, Cephalus & Procris, c.1795.


Lakin and Poole pottery figure group, Cephalus and Procris, Staffordshire, 1791- 1795. Finely modelled as the distraught Prince Cephalus attempting to extract the arrow he has mistakenly fired into his beloved wife Procris, whilst hunting game.
Both figures dressed in classical robes, and set upon a rectangular base, inscribed ‘CEPHALUS & PROCRIS’.

Height – 27.5 cm, 10 7/8”.

Width – 18.5 cm, 7 1/8”.

Depth – 10.5 cm, 4 1/8”.

Condition – Repair to his left arm and arrow. Her left hand. Minor glaze abrasions to base. Otherwise excellent condition.

Despite the fact that the partnership of Lakin and Poole lasted for around five years, they were responsible for the manufacture of figures of the finest quality.

In Greek mythology, Cephalus married Procris, daughter of Erechtheus, King of Athens. Procris, mistakenly suspected Cephalus of infidelity, and followed him, whilst he hunted game. Upon realising her suspicions were unfounded, she leapt with joy, Procris, assuming that the movement was that of a wild beast, instinctively fired an arrow, which pierces her heart, and she dies.