Pair Staffordshire Greyhounds, ‘High & Mighty’, c. 1860.
Pair of Staffordshire Greyhounds, ‘High and Mighty’, Thomas Parr factory, c. 1860. The tallest of all the Staffordshire models of Greyhounds, and the most elegant. Both hounds seated upon grassy mound bases, with hares resting against tree stumps.
Single gilt line to the bases.
Height – 33 cm, 13”.
Width – 17.5 cm, 6 7/8”.
Depth – 9.5 cm, 3 3/4”.
Condition – Darker firing join to mould line of one hound – please see images for detail. Original condition. No damage. No restoration.
A-Z of Staffordshire Dogs, Clive Mason Pope, p.42, fig. 2 for a similar pair.